Tuesday, October 19, 2010

ReProgramming City Hall- Programmatic Statement

  While civic participation is at an all time low, studies show that interest in political issues remains high.  Additionally, while skepticism with government may be fueling this lack of participation, advances in communication technology have allowed for he exchange of information between municipal governments and citizens.  These same advances have made obsolete, and in some cases replaced, many of the functions of the traditional city hall as a physical presence and necessity, including Pittsburgh's own City-County Building.
  Furthermore, the ability of the public to access the City-County Building is restricted and limited.  Security concerns have closed multiple entrance and exits along the periphery of the building, limiting access to two guarded entrances, complete with metal detectors.  The ability of the employees and public to link the services and events of the municipal government with their respective physical locations is difficult because of the fragmented organization of both space and information.  Finally, the lack of easy circulation around, up, and through the building have eliminated the perception and use of the building as a public space.       
  Recent case studies of local governments around the world have shown that civic participation can and should be increased to increase the efficiency of providing and allocating services, as well as foster a greater sense of empowerment among the citizenry.  To do so the studies argue, information systems and technology can be employed to increase communication and transparency between the two parties, however the dialogue must go both directions.  Just as the City-County Building can and should be used as a resource by the local community, the municipal government needs to use its residents as a resource.  The city hall of the 21st century should provide the means for this interaction, through a ReProgramming of its functions that allows for new possibilities of engaging the public.     

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